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At Hillborough we understand that technology is now embedded in our daily lives. We aim to educate our children and families about the safe use of technology. In school we teach pupils about safe internet searching, not to share personal information and importantly who to ask for help if they come across something upsetting. E safety is taught from Nursery and these skills are built on through reception, then in KS1. This education is also instilled through assemblies, displays, circle time sessions and recapped all sessions in the computing suite.

As the CEO of Safer Internet said:

“We must help young people on this journey by acknowledging the pressures, challenges and limits the internet also brings. We can do this by listening to them and starting conversations about our online lives. We know talking works!”

Through our e safety workshops we aim to keep our parents up to date with current issues, encourage them to open dialogue with their children about using technology safely and how make use of parental controls in their homes.

There are many resources available to our families online and we encourage our parents to take the time to access the information provided below. In addition to parent sessions and the information provided here, we encourage our families to contact us for help and support from us if they are struggling protect their children at home.

Keeping Children Safe online

It is important to educate ourselves about the benefits and risks of technology. The following links provide appropriate guides for the safe use of technology.

Parental Controls

Setting up parental controls is an important part of keeping children safe at home. The following guides show parents how to set up parental controls on various devices.

Information about specific Games, Apps and Devices

Technology advances so quickly it of often hard to keep up with the risks of new games, apps and devices. Below are some links to websites that provide specific information about a range of Apps, games, and Devices.

Age Appropriate Resources

It is often difficult to know the best online resources to access to support children’s education. As a school we have subscribed to purple mash. All pupils have their own log in information, where pupils can use software, they are familiar with in school. Below are some links to additional resources that have been reviewed by other parents to support our families.

Safe Internet Browsing

In school we use Primary safe search on our computers. This search engine filters results so they are appropriate for children. It included image and game searches too. Another search engine appropriate for children is KidRex.